Sunday, May 9, 2010

Untitled Mother's Day Project

In honor of Mother's Day, I decided I wanted to do something to celebrate mothers, all mothers. Because, really. Where would we be without them.

So, exactly 5 days before Mother's day, I conceived this untitled Mother's Day project. In an attempt to capture the LOVE of and for a mother, I went out into my little community of friends and family and invited everyone one to answer one of the following questions:
1. What do you LOVE most about your mom?
2. What do you LOVE most about being a mom? Or about your children?
3. If you are expecting, what are you most excited for? And most nervous for?

I want to thank all those who responded and participated. I was truly overwhelmed with the amount of love, unconditional love, that shone through all the responses. It really was a joy to read what everyone cherished most about their moms or being a mom, and I've definitely walked away from this project with warm fuzzy feelings! And I do hope that you do too!

So here's to all the moms out there, Thank You for all the LOVE! You do know you have the most important job in the world. Don't you! Happy Mother's Day!

Oh and if you didn't get a chance to participate in this little project of mine but would like to, please feel free to answer any of the questions in the comments below!


Joanna, Edinburgh, Scotland
I think what i love the most is how she surprises me with her wisdom! especially when I’m upset and i talk to her, secretly thinking (and dreading) she'd give me the politicallycorrectwhat'sright chat but then she comes up with the most comforting, loving, wisest words!!!

Rosie, Singapore, Singapore
What I love most about being a mom? When my children were babies, I never failed to be thrilled by their cheeky smiles lighting up their eyes and faces, reminding me again and again what a wonderful Heavenly Father we have who created such beautiful angels! Days of exhaustion and sleepless nights were more than compensated by such precious moments: watching Judith sitting on an egg trying to hatch it in all seriousness! Or the unmistaken glee on Joseph's face as he finally had a chance to play with the forbidden fire as he helped to light up the pot-belly stove!

Kim, Marseille, France
I love the strength my mom carries, she has showed me many times how to handle with grace a difficult situation, and i admire her ability to cope with life's downfalls and shortcomings.

Judith, Singapore, Singapore
I love each child for their own special personality they bring to the family and treasure them all! Wouldn't want to have to face life without ANY of them. It's easy to get caught up in hectic days, but sometimes I tell myself these child-rearing someday I know I will look back upon as ALL TOO SHORT! Emily is turning 7 this year, so recently I was thinking, I ONLY have a little time --less than 10 years to guide her and point her in the right way. And i tell myself that i must gear up and take more action to have the outcomes I desire--for each to choose the narrow road and live their life in such a way to win the prize.

Ting wen, Los Angeles, California
I love my mom because of her undying love and support and the knowledge that she’d be there for me always.

Anne, Singapore, Singapore
The first time I held my babies in my arms inside the delivery room, I experienced unmatched joy! On top of the world of kindness and happiness. But, the best part about being a mom is being able to love, and nothing is more satisfying than being loved in return.

Sarah, Ladera Ranch, California
I love most that I've been given a chance to relearn many things with my children on an emotional level. That I've been given a chance to make something that was good, better.

Luca, Ladera Ranch, California (4 yrs old)
"I love her because I love her." :)

Diana, Paris, France
I love that my mom is always willing to listen. In the most literal sense, I know that she will try to answer my phone call at any hour of the day or night, even if she's in the middle of something, she'll do her best to become available for me. And, on a more meaningful level, my mom is always so patient whenever we talk: whether I'm recounting a small and insignificant story or a long, drawn-out and personal drama, she listens, reflects and responds in the most thoughtful of ways. I know I can go to her with anything, and I greatly appreciate that she withholds all judgement, and tries her best to understand my point of view, even if she may not agree with it. My favorite time at home is when I'm chatting with my mom in the kitchen as she cooks something delicious.

Samira, Mission Viejo, California
My mom is always there for me no matter what. If I am ever having a bad day she is ready to listen and is full of good advice. She is not only this way with me but for others as well. She is always ready to give and never expects anything in return. She is a loving and caring human being and I am happy to call her my mother.

Angeline, Singapore, Singapore
What I love the most about my children is a very difficult question to answer as I think loving a child isn't a conscious choice. I loved my children from the very moment they were growing in my belly and this was before I knew what they look like or is like. Their physical attributes, manners, intelligence etc is not something that will affect a mother's love. So it is impossible for me to pinpoint what it is that I love most about my children, I just love them - warts and all.

Julie, Chicago, Illinois (Expecting First Time Mom!!)
I am most excited to see what the baby looks like and see his/her personality, and I am most nervous about feeding my child a proper meal when my husband and I enjoy junk food.

Nancy, Singapore, Singapore
What I love about being a mom--it has added a new dimension to my relationship with God and drawn me closer to Him, as I am definitely more God-reliant instead of self-reliant, raising the little ones he has blessed and entrusted in my care for a time. I want so much to point them in the right direction and ultimately return them to Him some day as wonderful and pure as He made them and hear Him say, "Well done." As a mom I know I don't have or know all the answers, but I do know the One who does. The little ones he gave me were His long before they became mine and He loves them deeper and knows them better than I ever will. I treasure my Father's confidence and sharing of Jaydon and Shayla with me. Ironically, although I am supposed to be helping them grow up, I realize that God shared them with me to help me grow up too! He's amazing.

Lynette, Fayetteville, Arkansas
My mum is always there for me no matter what happens. Even though she may be miles away from me now and isn’t physically here, i can just pick up the phone and chat with her. Sometimes, i get real bored; i just call her and talk to her about the most random stuff. And those talks can last up to an hour. 
I know that no matter what decisions i make/ what i do, i will always have her support. she doesn’t make decisions for me, instead, leaves me to make my own decision so that i learn to take responsibility for my actions. Even if i fail, she will never look down on me, instead, help me up and guide me through this learning journey.
Without my mum, i will never be who i am and where i am today. i can’t thank her more than enough for all that she has done for me.

Shannon, Los Angeles, California
I don’t think I can describe what my mom means to me. I love her for so many different reasons. But I really respect how tough she is and what a fighter and leader she is. She constantly demonstrates this and I am so fortunate to have a role model like that.
I also love how comfortable she is with herself and in turn how comfortable that makes me, I can truly be myself around her… they may not be a good thing for everyone around of, but it sure is a lot of fun!

Janet, Vancouver, Canada
What I love most about being a mom is that it gave me the opportunity to understand and embrace unconditional love. Never before did I truly feel I could give my life, my limb......or truly anything... for another person.
I love being a mom and would do and give anything for my children!

Irvin, Singapore, Singapore
What I love most about my mum is the way she is interested in my life and makes effort to be a part of my world :) (besides the fabulous cooking/sewing/cleaning etc.. haha)

Monica, Newport Beach, California
What I love the most about my mom is that she has the biggest heart! Even with all the busy-ness of life she always has time to help others out through advice or even just by cooking them something! She can make anyone feel like a million bucks...aaaaw I miss her!

Yuet Har, Singapore, Singapore
I was not maternal at all - had no real feelings when pregnant, now i love lucas' innocence, cheekiness, his unconditional love to us, his "socialness", his dependency on us, and most times i'm just in awe that i'm given such an awesome responsibility to mold and grow him into God's child....

Annabelle, Chicago, Illinois
I love how she's so silly that she never fails to bring laughter into any room. =)

Cyndi, Marina Del Rey, California
What I love most is that my daughter is a loving, caring and kind human being. She makes the world a little better (certainly MY world!!). What more could a mother ask for?
What I love most about being a mom is being able to watch your tiny baby grow into a confident young person. I also love the traditions that go along with parenthood...taking their first step, losing their first tooth, first day at Kindergarten, going off to college (that was tough), and graduation. Some celebrations stay the same no matter how little or old they are, like birthdays and Christmas. Although there are no more clowns at birthday parties and they don't believe in Santa, it is still fun to buy them presents and watch them open them (although the presents get more expensive!!).

Rachel, Venice, California
I appreciate that my mom is always there for me; if I need her, she is just a phone call away and will always help me through any problem that I'm having. She always has time for me. She is passionate about her faith and loves to share and to learn. She is smart, fun, energetic, hard working, funny, introspective, entertaining, caring and loving. I don't know what I would do without her! I love you, Momma, you're the best!!

Janet, Hixson, Tennessee
What I love most about being a mom is that I will always be a mom to them no matter how bad a job I had done and no matter what else might happen in their lives. They know that they can always look to me for support and love all the days of their lives.

Sara, Los Angeles, California
Endless love, and understanding.

Hong Siok, Singapore, Singapore
Seriously I haven't thought about what I love most about my child. You just love your children unconditionally whatever they do And when they show a bit of appreciation for their long suffering parents we just lo..ove it and cannot stop talking about it.
I love my only son, grouchiness and all because he's also funny and a baby at times He'sthoughtful and hates to make a scene so I worry that he's a pushover at work and also when he was at school. He's too responsible if there's such a thing and hates to ask for anything. While I am happy with his academic results and carreer I am most proud of how he dealt with life on his own in the US since he was 16. He has grown into a caring adult who doesn't take advantage of those weaker than him.

Lindsey, Orange, California
My mom passed away when I was 15, but what I loved most about her was that she was so loving and selfless. All she cared about through the last couple of years she was sick was loving on people and sharing Jesus with them. She was faithful to the very end and I think the thing that pained her the most through her battle with cancer was that she wouldn't be around to love on people anymore. 
One time, in her last couple weeks, when my mom was not doing so well- her doctor called asking if there was anything she wanted (meds, etc), and my mom responded "I want you to know my Jesus." 
She just always wanted to reach out to others- even when she definitely had reason to be selfish.

Serina, Singapore, Singapore
Well, to be honest - when I had Shernise way back in 1995, I thought I would chose OUT!! But was really glad to keep her. I can still remember my 1st breastfeeding right after the childbirth. I thought - Is She REAL???? It took me about almost 10 months to accept the fact that I am a MOTHER.
Joy ??? Yes seeing "the monkeys" are just like seeing myself. Their characters especially their subborness...... I could only share that being a Mother i learnt to face Struggles with Love, Trust and lots of patience. At the end of everyday - I give thanks for the JOY that the children fill my life.

Cara, San Francisco, California
I love my mom for who she is and the really interesting and weird things she loves so much. But what I love most about my mom is that she is the mom and person I want to be when I am older.

Bonnie, Los Angeles, California.
Of all of my jobs, from the streets of New York City to Los Angeles, the thrill of being successful in the business world, with perks to accompany the success, the best job I could ask for is being MOM!!
When each of my two daughters was born I was thrilled to have the opportunity to bring life into the world. The wonder of seeing a baby develop and open up with wonder and excitement; growing through elementary school and all of the fun of new education, sports, dance and friends. Teenage years with all of the trials for mothers and daughters; the joy of sending each daughter to a college of their choice and fit. And now the culmination of undergraduate education and a start of adult life. What was best? I truly loved each stage and development and look forward to being a parent of adults.
Memories such as my youngest daughter singing out: Two “M’s” and an “O-O-O-O-O”, calling me to pay attention never fails to bring me a big heartwarming smile. The hugs and smiles from daughters who are proud of their accomplishments, the tears we share, shopping, discussing careers, cooking together, enjoying a fine meal. What more could a mother ask for? What better job could there ever be?

Dayna, Mission Viejo, California
What I love the most about my mom is the fact that she's so encouraging and supportive. I could come up with the lamest idea and she will think it’s the most brilliant thing ever. And the best part is: she's not faking it! She really believes that I can do anything I put my mind to. It feels good to know that someone has faith in me. I'm pretty lucky.

Morene, Singapore, Singapore
There are so many things I love about being a mum, like hear myself called mum, thankful for being able to be given a chance to stay home, giving & receiving unconditional love, hugs & kisses and so on. The thing that I treasure and love most about being a mum is the bond between me and my son, Ryan. This bond is such that regardless at what stage of life he is in, he knows that he can always come to me for comfort, guidance and love.

Chris, New York City, New York
What do I love most about my mom?......
It's a few things really. Firstly, I'm thankful that she was fertile enough to conceive and thoughtful enough not to leave me on a church doorstep with a full diaper. Secondly, I love how she could be both mother and father (not in the conception, but in the rearing). And lastly but not leastly, she taught me to smile and to laugh by example. I love you Mom!

Nicolette, Los Angeles, California
My mom is my role model. I would consider my life a success if I turned out to be just half the woman she is. But what I love and admire most about my mom is that after all she has been through in her childhood, she still has the capacity and courage to love, be loved and be in love! I love you ma!

Chris, Ladera Ranch, California
I love my mother for teaching me to be disciplined and organized in my life and for giving me self confidence and motivation.

Doreen, Singapore, Singapore
I remembered so vividly the first experience of being a mother, holding my son in my arms for the very first time, and weeping uncontrollably! It was such a pivotal moment in my life, so many thoughts ran through my mind…How innocent and pure this gift was to me and how dependent he was upon me and I was overwhelmed with love. I had many of those emotional moments and I remember my breasts spewing forth like a fountain when I was in the moment (ahem… with mother’s milk of course). The greatest joy I received from my two children was their unconditional love for me. No matter how life has dealt its cards for me or no matter how many mistakes I had in my past, it seems like it didn’t matter to these two innocent souls. Somehow I am loved and am all important to them and nothing will ever separate their love for me!
Looking back, from this vantage point, I can hardly remember the challenges (sure there were many). All that is clear in my mind today is all the joy and laughter they bring into my life. They bring so many gifts to me, and seeing life through their eyes enriched me so…


  1. I'm amazed by the amount of responses! Thanks for conceiving (hehe) this project Nic!

  2. A great job well done, Nic! You sure have a way to make us mums feel good about ourselves.Thank you! Hugs and kisses...
    Auntie Rosie

  3. Thanks Sarah and Aunty Rosie!! It's so nice to know that you guys enjoyed the posting! Made me happy to get positive feedback! :)

  4. Wow, double wow darling!
    "The LORD bless you and keep you
    the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you;"
    as you continuously enrich others and touch lives!!
    Mama T

  5. haha did you see how my mum left only mE out in her post?? i took her up on that one when we skyped yest. ;) kidding.. this was really really sweet nic:) PS is your add the same yes?

  6. Jo- Oh I know!! When I read it I had a good giggle b/c you were the only one of her churren who responded to my request for responses!! :)

    And yes same address. Wait... what do you have as my address? lol

    Thanks ma


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