Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

It was memorial day this past weekend here in the United States, and I spent my time with my family in Orange County.

Going to my brother's place has always been a safe haven of sorts for me. In college, before my brother and sister-in-law had kids, my visits with them were always filled with simple yet intellectual pleasures. We usually watched an indie-type movie and always had stimulating conversations over the dinner table. The atmosphere was calming, quiet and peaceful. I always came away recharged, it wasn't quite my home but it was home.

Fast forward a couple years and add 2 kids into the mix, gone are the quiet elegant dinners (try getting a word in over my enthusiastic nephew) and the peaceful charm. But truth be told, I have no complaints. My niece and nephew bring so much joy to my visits now that it more than makes up for the lack of quiet time at my brother's. Their innocence and unconditional love is so intoxicating that one cannot help but fall in love with them.

Anyway, here is a short pictorial recap of my time with the Teos!


  1. Oh, I think you over-romanticize things a bit. ;-) But I like this post! Thank you for being here.

  2. Haha! Welll I will admit I'm romantic at heart :)


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