Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Few Of My Favorite Things

Being a (former) cyber hermit, I've never been one to leave comments on blog postings, click the "like" button on facebook statuses (yet alone comment), twitter or even admit that I sometimes cyber stalk people (Yes friends, I sometimes silently stalk you, which I guess is even more creepy than just "normal" cyber stalking... oops). Now don't get me wrong, I've read blogs, utilized FB and even considered twittering but I've basically never felt the need to make my presence known or to connect with anyone via the internet. However, since I've recently declared 2010 the year of trying new things...

One of the blogs that I frequent is My Favorite Things. Yesterday, readers were invited to share a little about themselves by answering 4 simple questions. I'm obliging and here are my answers.

1. Name an author you love:
I've been in a classic sort of mood so, Jane Austen is the first name that came to mind.

2. Books you Love:
Well the Austen collection obviously, The Little House on the Prairie series (it's a childhood thing, you gotta give me that), Cookbooks (my latest favorite being Everyday Harumi by Harumi Kurihara), Wicked, ummm...I hate it when you're "put on the spot" and you can't recall any of your favorite things.

3. Something that always excites you:

4. Something you hate:
Jogging/Running, whatever you want to call it. Even though I was an Olympic athlete the thought of running makes me want to hurl. I only run if I am being chased.

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