Friday, October 29, 2010

Why I'm not exactly a fan of dressing up on Halloween

I'll be the first to admit, I am a sucker for holidays and the hype that goes along with it. I love getting caught up in the holiday spirit, putting decorations up and planning parties and activities around the holiday. I guess you could say I constantly fall prey to the Hallmark commercialization of it all.

However, it must be noted that I am not exactly the hugest fan of Halloween.

When I was growing up, not many kids in Singapore celebrated Halloween. It was always more of an American holiday that us Singaporeans experienced via the Western media. However, I did grow up in a neighborhood that housed a handful of expats and I actually trick-or-treat-ed a couple of times in my younger days.

Despite the fact that I did get to experience a true Halloween per say, I never really took to dressing up. In fact, the last time I dressed up for Halloween was um... Sophomore year in HIGH SCHOOL?  *gasp* I went as a Catholic school girl for those of you who were wondering.

So if you are counting, that means that not once did I dress up for Halloween the whole time I was in college! *Gasp gasp gasp*

It's just that putting together a costume takes a lot of time, effort and money- 3 things I did not have in college. Furthermore, I truly hate that 99% of pre-made costumes for women are slutty! So yeah... that is my surface excuse for not taking a liking to costumes for Halloween.

Then there is the deeper issues of pretending to be someone I am not. I'm weird, I do not get a thrill out of transforming myself and embodying someone else. As pompous as this sounds, I like me just the way I am!

All this being said, I think this is the year that I might just give the dressing-up part of Halloween another chance to charm me.

I am not going all out, noooo, not by any means. But it might be fun to put on some angel wings or devils horns. And I might have fun if I allow myself to get dragged out to a Halloween party.

Who knows, I might start to feel a little inkling of like towards this aspect of the holiday? I'll report back next week.

Till then, what are your Halloween plans? Are you going to be a Debbie-downer and stay in? Or ham it up and don an elaborate costume?

Pictures were taken when I went trick-or-treating with my niece and nephew last year. 

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