I would consider myself a fairly seasoned traveller. If you've seen this year's oscar nominated film, Up in the Air, recall the scene where George Clooney's character is showing Anna Kendrick's character the insider tricks to getting through airport security... yup, that's pretty much me when I travel. I always avoid the lines with parents and their kids (this doesn't need explanation), I don't get behind anyone wearing boots or multiple layers of clothing (Come on people! Slip on, slip off!), and I stay far away from the people who look a little lost or overly excited aka travel newbies, they are the ones that take forever.
Another aspect of traveling that I have down to a science is packing. I can start packing for a 2-month-multiple-destination trip a couple of hours before I am due at the airport. And no, I NEVER forget anything nor is the packing process stressful.
What is the secret to my success? Well besides the obvious practice makes perfect mantra, I make lists. Lists of all the potential occasions and activities I will encounter while I'm on my trip, lists of all the outfits I might want to wear, lists of contingency outfits should the weather change... Lists.
Today I am flying to San Francisco for a business trip (wow I sound like such a "real person" saying that) and while this trip is only an overnight one, the same concept of lists still apply.
If unlike me, you aren't a professional at list-making/packing, use the Pack This! Pad by knock knock to help you out. This exhaustive checklist of everything you could ever need will ease some of that pre-trip chaos, and ensure that you will arrive and depart fully equipped. Categorized into basics, miscellaneous, clothes and hygiene; my favorite aspect of the pad is that it allows you to note the weather conditions of your destination! Now how smart is that?! With this handy organizational tool, the only thing you'll have to worry about is getting to the airport on time!
Knock Knock
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