She'll most probably kill me for telling this story, but I can't help it... it's too good not to share.
There used to be this popular morning DJ duo in Singapore that my family and I tuned in to on our morning commute. The Djs were witty, entertaining and managed to toe the fine line between being locally relevant yet cool and cosmopolitan at the same time. My family loved them!
On that fateful April 1st morning, said Djs announced on air that Singtel (main service provider for land lines in Singapore) was intending to clean out their cables that day by shooting out blasts of air through the phone lines. (What?! Anyone with a sound head on their shoulders would have already begun to question this logic... shooting out air through phone lines?! These are cables not pipes people!) The DJs went on to recommend that their listeners go home and tie plastic bags around their phone receives so as to contain the dust that was surely to explode from the phone receivers on their end. Sounds insane right? But sadly, that is exactly what Mama T did!! (tehehehe)
I mean picture it, my mother driving home after dropping me off at school and insisting to our maid that we had to tie plastic bags around all our phone receivers so that when that jet of air came through, all the dust that had been collecting in the phone cables won't get all over our house. (mwahahahhaha)
I don't remember how or when mama t found out she had been suckered but I do recall that on their show the next morning, the two Djs were forced to apologize on air because so many listeners had called in to complain! HAHA
Anyway, if you, like me, don't do April Fools jokes, here is a fun little find to celebrate the day!

Aren't these Marc Jacobs flats just so amusing! :) Complete with with floppy ears, crystal eyes, plastic whiskers, and a stitched-on tail, how much more appropriate can these get for April Fools day!
Marc Jacobs
Patent Leather Mouse Flats
Marc Jacobs
Patent Leather Mouse Flats
to explain , how pretty is the shoes with flounce. Really appreciable , worthy. Can't be ignored. Hopping to have a one just like this.
ReplyDeleteHere is another one you can check out.t shirt bra