Dear Readers-
I'm so sorry I have been MIA for a while and been neglecting to post, work has had me swamped and I haven't had a chance to even think my own thoughts!
Anyway, today I turn 24. *yay and sigh* I love birthdays because it selfishly means presents (and yes, I do buy myself a present or two and I also try to observe April 19th as a holiday)! However, I also hate birthdays because it means getting older. I know in the grand scheme of things, 24 is not that old at all, its not even a quarter of a century old. But still... I just hate getting older.
This year, I am unable to declare April 19th a holiday because I've to spend the day touring New York city with a bunch of French winemakers. But later tonight I am meeting up with an old college friend and her husband and we're going to have dinner at The Little Owl. So it looks like it will be a pretty decent 24th birthday.
Anyway, to mark the big 24 (sigh sigh sigh), I thought I would do a "birthday suit" type post, I thought I would strip myself down to a "naked" more vulnerable place and make some birthday confessions. Here goes nothing...
1. I am insanely jealous of the long luscious lashes (alteration woot woot!) that my niece and nephew have. The have big gorgeous eyes and long lashes while I have small half-open eyes (I completely blame papa t) with stubby lashes that point straight down! Jealous!
2a. I hate the smell of milk. It makes me want to hurl.
2b. On the other hand, I drank my nightly "cup" of warm milk from a feeding bottle (that makes me sound like a baby animal but I couldn't remember the correct term for it) till I was ummm too old... Maybe 5 or 6?? I mean I was old enough to know that it was embarrassing and that I should hide it from any and all overnight guests. I mean when my cousin stayed overnight, my poor maid had to bring it up covertly and I drank it in secrecy!
3. My idea of extreme sport is driving around on a quarter tank of gas.
4. Despite the fact that I graduated from UCLA, I always feel stupid and behind whenever I go home to Singapore. Always.
5. My feet sometimes smell...bad.
6. Even when I was in the best shape of my life (aka Olympic athlete shape), I never had abs. Don't get me wrong, I did not have a belly but I never had, and never will have abs. Poops.
7. Sometimes I find myself wishing that I had a cool accent and lived in a foreign country. Then I remember that I ALREADY do!
8. I eat my emotions (but really, who doesn't?)
9. Even though I've done a lot with my life thus far, I feel like I've not achieved anything significant or noteworthy. This is why I dread getting older, each birthday feels like a reminder of all the things in life I have not done.
10. The most embarrassing moment in my life was my performance(s) at the 2008 Olympics.
happy birthday, chicolette!
Thanks Julie!!!