In the build up to this Mother's Day project, I've been thinking a lot about my relationship with my mother. If I am being truly honest, my relationship with my mother is more about me than it is about us. She is the only person in the world who always puts me before herself. She is constantly giving me what I need (whether emotionally or physically), telling me what I want to hear, calling me when it's convenient to my schedule, listening to my problems, moving countries so I can pursue my swimming career, waking up at 4.30 in the morning to send me to morning practice ... you get the picture.
Now that I am an adult, I'd like to somewhat rectify this selfish situation. I'd like to really get to know the woman I've known my whole life, to stop asking so much from my mother and more about my mother. After all, there is no better way to get to know a person than to ask questions about them.
Without any scientific basis or real research, I came up with 10 questions that I think will help anyone get to know their mother better . Try them out yourself this Mother's Day. You might even learn something about yourself!
1. What is the one thing you would have done differently as a mom?
I don't know if I specifically asked mama T this question or it came up during one of our deep conversations, but the answer to this question will tell you so much about your mom, not just as a mother but as a woman.
2. Why did you choose to be with my father?
Whether we like it or not, unless we consciously change this, we model our intimate relationships after our parents'. So knowing why your mom chose your father will bring deeper insight to your relationship choices. Plus it's always interesting to know.
3. Which of us kids do you love the most?
Mama T won't answer this question, and I am sure you're mom won't either (unless you are an only child). But its still worth a shot!
4. Is there anything you've always wanted to tell me or say to me but never did?
Just watch, my mom is going to tell me I was adopted! LOL
5. In your experience, what is the biggest myth about motherhood?
6. What do you consider your proudest achievement? And you greatest regret?
7. In what ways am I like you? And not like you?
8. Is there anything you regret not having asked your parents?
People usually regret what they haven't asked, not what they have.
9. Is it harder or easier being a mom now or when you were raising a family?
10. What is the best thing I can do for you now to show you I care?
When I was younger, each time I presented Mama T with a Mother's day card or gift expressing my love for her, she would tell me " If you really want to show mama that you love me, I'd rather you be obedient than write me cards or buy me presents."
This statement used to pierce my heart b/c 1. It hurt me to think that she didn't want/like my offering and 2. I knew what it was cost me to promise to be obedient (I sure was a pig-headed child). Now that I am older, I understand what she was telling me. So, ask your mom and then you can give her what she really wants/needs from you.
Or you could buy them a journal!
Both of my parents have one. I'm not as original as you, Nic! Liked your questions.
Thanks Sarah! I apparently just like interrogating my mom! ;)