I recently read a blog post by Kristin Van Ogtrop about the times in life when one should wear a tiara. While the whole princess/tiara/castle/shining knight on a white horse has never been my thing (my day dreams run more along the lines of wining olympic golds, being the most popular kid in high school *flip of hair*, attending paris fashion week in a kick-ass outfit, having a glamorous job that actually allows me to afford said outfit), the little girl in me did fancy the idea of a tiara.
So here is my list of occasions when I'd wear a tiara.
1. When I'm having a fat day. Nothing draws the eye away from my "fatness" like a sparkly tiara!
2. To the doctor's office. I admit I have a great dislike of dr's offices and in my mind, a tiara would some how make this horrible situation better.
3. If I'm ever forced to sing in front of a crowd at a karaoke bar. Again, same concept as #1, hopefully the tiara will distract from my less than perfect pitch.
4. When I'm slaving over a hot stove, cooking the day away. A tiara would look real fancy with the pretty apron mama T got me for Christmas.
5. When I'm out jogging/hobbling around my neighborhood. I know I've previously mentioned that I don't run unless I'm being chased, but lately I've resigned myself to the fact that I do need some form of cardio exercise. However, that doesn't change the fact that I cannot run and look like I'm about the keel over and die at any moment. The purpose of the tiara is so that passerby's will hence forth know me as the quirky girl with the tiara rather than the wimpy unathletic girl who should not jog because grandmas with walkers move at a faster pace.
6. When I finally get my work visa settled, I will sport a tiara and do a couple of fist pump type dance moves! Boo-ya!
So now it's your turn to share, when would you don a tiara?
when im eating celery!!!! i definitely deserve a tiara then ;)
ReplyDeleteAm I allowed to say everyday? :) It would make motherhood much more glamorous!
ReplyDeleteJo- your comment made me laugh so hard! In fact, it inspired me to have some celery with dinner last night!
ReplyDeleteSarah- I know what I'm getting someone for mothers day! :)