I got my ears pierced for the first time when I was 5 or 6 .
I say for the first time because those holes closed up about 2 weeks after I got them pierced. How you ask? It's a long story but I will give you a shortened version.
I had gotten my ears pierced a couple of days before my family took a little vacation to New Zealand to visit my 3rd aunt. Some time while we were there, the princess in me decided that I had to take a nice long luxurious bubble bath and my 3rd aunt suggested/insisted that it had been long enough since I'd gotten them pierced and I could take off my earrings and wash my ears. (Now this was approximately 2-3 weeks after I had gotten them pierced and I was 6 so I didn't know better!?!) After a 20 minute earring-free bath, I came out and the hole in my right ear had just gone and plugged itself up (gosh darn those super healing resilient skins cells of mine!). I distinctively remember my aunt pinning me down as she attempted to shove the earring back in and drawing blood from that earlobe (I have a crazy family I know, and for all I know, she didn't really pin me down, but this is how I remembered it!)
Anyway needless to say, it was a lost cause and I spent the next 10 years without ear holes before rectifying the issue when I was 15. Since then, I have been experimenting with different types of earrings and have found that I have a love affair with studs. They are simple, classic and only work to enhance your features rather than take away from them.
For my everyday wear, I spot my little pearl studs that mama T gave me for my 21st birthday. But little pearl earrings are sometimes just a little too proper for a big night out on the town. For those nights, I would turn to these extra studly CZ studs by Sonya Renee. These diamond studs are not only very budget friendly and scream special occasion, but they manage to still keep that classy feel that I love about studs! I think these studs would also be perfect for a budget-conscious bride on her wedding day. But on the other hand, I would not say no to wearing them for some everyday glamour.
by Sonya Renee
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